
Case Report

The ugly side of the earthquake: a case of pediatric Crush Syndrome

Cansu Durak, Ebru Guney Sahin, Yasar Yusuf Can, Kubra Boydag Guvenc, Fatih Varol

DOI: 10.61107/pacr.2023.004s
361 314

A Rare Pathology of a Child Rescued from the Rubble in the Kahramanmaraş Earthquake: Left Brachial Plexus Injury and Diaphragmatic Paralysis

Mutluhan Yiğitaslan, Gülenay Aktay, Eda Eyduran, Gülizar Koç, Gökçen Özçifci, Fatih Durak, Ayşe Berna Anıl

DOI: 10.61107/pacr.2023.008
264 231

Announcing the death of parents in cases of child earthquake victims

Ömer Bayrak, Elifcan Zamur, Bahri Aşcı, Serkan Yıldırım, Gülberat Ince, Özlem Üzüm, Seçil Arslansoyu Çamlar, Gonca Engin Özyurt

DOI: 10.61107/pacr.2023.012s
316 290

Letter to the Editor