Burkitt's Lymphoma-induced Intussusception in a five-year-old Girl: A Case Report and Literature Review
Najib Hamade1, Abbas Al Bazzal3
, Rima Siblini3
, Jamil Nasrallah3
, Hadi Ftouni3
, Youssef Kteich3
, Hiba Hamdar2
, Mohammad Ali Mtairek4
1Al-Zahraa Hospital University Medical Center, Pediatric Surgery Department, Beirut, Lebanon., Paediatric Surgery, Beirut, Lebanon
2Medical Learning Skills Academy, Beirut, Lebanon. , Research, Beirut, Lebanon
3Lebanese University, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Beirut, Hadath Campus, Lebanon, Research , Beirut, Lebanon
4Faculty of Medicine, Damascus University, Damascus, Syria., Research , Damas, Syria
Keywords: intussusception, Burkitt’s lymphoma, pediatrics
Intussusception in children over the age of two frequently has an identifiable pathologic lead point linked to underlying causes, such as intestinal hematomas, lymphomas, polyps, duplications, and Meckel's diverticulum. These cases, which frequently present with severe abdominal pain paroxysms, warrant further investigation. A 5-year-old girl with abdominal pain was diagnosed with Burkitt's lymphoma, which caused her intussusception.
Cite this article as: Hamade N, Al Bazzal A, Siblini R, Nasrallah J, Ftouni H, Kteich Y, et al. Burkitt's Lymphoma-induced Intussusception in a five-year-old Girl: A Case Report and Literature Review. Pediatr Acad Case Rep. 2024;3(3):39-43.
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