Esmanur Fil1, Şeyma Dilek1, Özge Umur2, Hüseyin Dağ1

1University Of Health Sciences, Prof. Dr. Cemil Taşcıoğlu City Hospital, Pediatrics, Istanbul, Türkiye
2Acıbadem Atakent Hospital, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Istanbul , Türkiye

Keywords: intoxication, salicylate, topical, infant


Salicylate, also known as aspirin, is utilized in treating many conditions due to its anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and antiaggregant effects. Alongside this, it is infrequently applied topically in dermatological practices due to its fungicidal, keratolytic and bacteriostatic properties. It is important to note that a toxic intake of salicylate can be fatal and may result in a range of metabolic disorders. Salicylate toxicity should be considered in paediatric emergency department patients presenting with tachypnoea and metabolic acidosis on blood gas. A thorough history and physical examination should be selected as the initial evaluation step in approaching the patient. In this case report, we present a 50-day-old patient who was effectively treated with haemodialysis following topical salicylate use for cutaneous scabies.

Cite this article as: Fil E, Dilek S, Umur O, Dag H. An Infant Developed Intoxication Following Topical Salicylate Use: A Case Report. Pediatr Acad Case Rep. 2024;3(1):12-6.

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